
Etebac5 - These products are discontinued

ETEBAC5 was the French secured file transfer between customers and banks for exchanging statements and remitances.

The security services offered by the ETEBAC5 standard are:

Services Security Technics
Access Control Smart Cards and Lists
Mutual Authentication RSA 1024 bits
Integrity DES-CBC, DES-MDC & SHA1
Confidentiality DES-CBC 56bits & Triple DES-CBC 112 bits
Non Repudiation RSA1024 bits
Autority & Judge GIE CB personnalised the DXP smart cards (customers) & D9 (banks)

EDI5 - These products are discontinued

Using ETEBAC5 outside customers and banks in France was called EDI5.

It included international projects, as well as the transfers like VAT and TDFC.

GIE CB is not the authority for these projects.

The choice of the security devices and technics could be different than Eteba5.